
Frustrations with Politics...

I watched the Series Premiere of "The Barack Obama Show" tonight. If you didn't catch it, you should definitely find it somewhere online and watch it.

It was very well done. The music was fitting to set the heroic mood, the lighting was professional, the shot selection was fascinating, and above all, the
acting was phenomenal.

No, I'm not suggesting that the people Barack Obama sat with were acting, but our future President himself.

Of course, it's not like anything has changed. Nor do I wish to say that Barack Obama is the only politician guilty of this. But he is the only one I see buying up a half an hour of very expensive air time to say the
exact same message he has given for the last year. Miraculously, he is going to lower taxes for all families that make less than $200,000 a year, while at the same time, put billions into energy independence, technology advancements, military renovations, hiring an "army" of new educators, paying them more, making sure we are "the first ones" paid back from all the recent government spending, more affordable/available health care, and buying Mars.

Okay the last one was false, but do you see what I mean? And again, for all you Obama supporters, I don't want to say that I believe that it's only Obama that makes such outrageous and impossible claims, but if you want to avoid the "celebrity" tag, don't put your 30-minute show at 7:00 p.m. on primetime television!

Barack Obama is a family man and will probably serve well as President (besides the whole socialism concerns...), but his debut on primetime tonight made me think about the big picture:

I wish there were a day I could remember voting for someone I actually believed should be President.

I wish a candidate would stand up and say, "Look, I am not going to pretend like I can save the world. I'm not going to promise you a perfect solution to everything from the start. What I will tell you though is that I will start with the greatest problem facing our nation. Once I have done all I can do, I will move to the next. I will start by taking on this economic crisis. If there is more to do, or a better way to do it, I'm going to figure it out, cause I'm an American too. Then, I'm going to sit down and be informed on everything about the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm going to talk to those who know, get advice, and work together across any party necessary to come up with the best solution possible.

When our economy becomes strengthened and we make necessary moves in regards to the fighting, I will then be able to promise and provide tax cuts. I want to speak straight forward to you, because I know it will be better for all of us in the future. I will not try to deceive the American People to vote for me. I want to show them who I am, what I stand for, and that I am a human, just like every single one of them, and I will do the best I can."

Maybe that's what they are saying, and I'm just not hearing it. Maybe that's what they want, but I can't see it. It just feels so superficial to me, and I hate thinking that I am forced into a "lesser of tw
o evils" situation when voting. I don't believe that either of our candidates today are in fact 'evil' or anything of the sort, but you know what I mean.

Anyways, to sum up, I hope I don't make anyone too upset with this post. That is not my intention. I just wanted to vent my frustrations with politics in general, and it happened to be Senator Obama and his TV show that got me going.

So, if I offend you in anyway, I'm sorry you are offended, but I won't apologize for my remarks, because they are mine, and I'm entitled to them.

Anyway, peace out.

1 comment:

Huntsmans said...

Thanks bud, i agree, i am really struggling with this election and what it is saying about our current way of doing things! Hey maybe you should run...I'd vote for you. ;)